What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (2024)



89 Badges

Jun 13, 2012
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  • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (51)
  • Jan 19, 2023
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  • #1

I have two questions pertaining to the Land Doctrines of Hoi 4. Foundational to either question is a broader question regarding Paradox and sourcing. Is there any publicly available record of what historical sources Paradox relies on? I know many many things they cover are part of "general knowledge" but I'm curious.

Following that, I was wondering two things: One, is there a source for the text of the doctrines themselves? For an example, the Deep Battle focus of the Mass Assault Doctrine reads:

The concept of Deep Operations, or Deep Battle, is to break through the enemy's defensive lines at multiple points and destroy his operational reserves, his operational depth, and occupy as much of his strategic depth as possible.

Is this part of something or was it written by a developer?

My second question is around the nature of doctrines and the implicit paths of particular nations. It's pretty clear looking at the language (sometimes literally, as with Mobile Warfare and its German words) of the doctrines that some are not only intended for a particular country, but molded on their irl tactics. From that comes the question of who is represented in what and the thought process behind sub-trees in that light.
For an example, I feel safe in assuming that the left path of Mass Assault, the Deep Battle path is meant to represent, well... Deep Battle/Operation as articulated by Tukhachevsky.

What are the others ones aligned to and, generally, would you say the doctrines hold up to scrutiny from a historical angle?
(Not gameplay, I don't really care to have the 400th conversation about why x doctrine is worthless)

  • 8What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (52)




Mar 15, 2019
    • Jan 20, 2023
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    • #2

    Yes, the Soviet doctrine of the Deep Battle is real: it began to be developed in the 1930s and is essentially a Blitzkrieg with the massive use of the Airborne Forces to disorganize the rear of the enemy, delay the reinforcement of the enemy and his supply.

    The conceptual basis of the theory of deep offensive combat is a massive impact on the entire tactical depth of the enemy's defensive formations with the aim of encircling and destroying him. For this are used:

    - a breakthrough of a continuous enemy front in certain selected directions, which is carried out by a sudden offensive by infantry and tank units, with dense fire support from artillery.
    - the introduction of mechanized and cavalry units in the breakthrough sector (echelon of success ) for enveloping strikes against targets in the depths of defense.
    - air strikes against enemy reserves and rear areas in combination with parachute operations to maintain high rates of advancement among strike groups.

    During the war, it was not always possible to fully realize this concept. The most obvious example is the Vyazma Landing Operation - this is a classic Deep Strike operation, but unfortunately the Soviet military lacked many skills in the early period to fully implement this concept. During the operation "Polar Star" there was supposed to be an airborne operation that assumed the concept of a Deep Strike - five guards airborne divisions (about 50 thousand paratroopers) were to be thrown into the rear of the airborne troops with a massive tank strike (it was thwarted because of a senior officer who defected to the Germans and told about plans for operations, the Germans launched a counterattack and the Airborne Forces had to deal with the defense of the front). The Soviet-Japanese War of 1945 is also an example of Deep Operations - 16,000 soldiers who were involved in airborne operations + a tank breakthrough.

    The theory of Deep Operations also remained the basis for the post-war doctrine, but only the Airborne Forces became mechanized (taking into account the experience of the war)

    As you can see, the game does not reflect the reality of the concept, there are no bonuses for the Airborne Forces in land doctrines, the USSR does not have a focus for the development of the Airborne Forces or a bonus for the Airborne Forces.

    • 2




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    Oct 21, 2007
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    • Jan 20, 2023
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    Lt. General

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    • Jan 20, 2023
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    • #4

    Well as I understand it Mobile Warfare = GER (both branches actually) "Modern Blitzkrieg" is a successful GER, while "Desperate defense" is a more historical GER where you draft more people to replace their horrific losses.
    Superior Firepower is obviously USA, both right and left branches I believe. Some of it like "Airland Battle" was formalized long after WW2 though, so it may be a choice between WW2 USA and 1970s USA in a way...
    The rest of the doctrines are more mixed. Grand Battleplan left side is for UK/FRA and represents a starting "WW1-like" mindset evolving into large-scale, highly planned operations. The right side is for Japan, representing use of light infantry, surprise attacks and night assaults.
    The Mass assault right side is also inspired mostly by soviet tactics in their more desperate moments , but it can also fit e.g. China or for example republican/anarchist Spain.
    Well your probably guessed as much already, as for the specific sources the devs used, I guess it's a question for the devs themselves.

    • 6What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (157)





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    Mar 15, 2018
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    • Jan 21, 2023
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    • #5

    I'd back most of what Gyrvendal said above, but with an additional comment regarding Grand Battleplan's split where the UK is concerned. The UK also made use of a lot of the things mentioned on the right side of the Grand Battleplan tree, both in the desert and in Burma, just as much as, or possibly more so, than those things mentioned on the left side of Grand Battleplan. Montgomery's entire plan for Second El Alamein reads like that right hand path - Infiltration Assault, Night Assault Tactics, Infiltration in Depth being some of the main examples.

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    • 1What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (208)




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    • Jan 21, 2023
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    • #6

    Nathraxh said:

    The UK also made use of a lot of the things mentioned on the right side of the Grand Battleplan tree, both in the desert and in Burma, just as much as, or possibly more so, than those things mentioned on the left side of Grand Battle plan.

    I think this gets at a core feature of the doctrines. Historically, nations often used something from both sides of the tree, but in HOI4 we have to choose.

    I don't mind, because I think interesting game play is generally more important than getting the historical details perfect. But I do have to develop a head canon that my nation is using both sides of the tree, it's just that it 'emphasises' the side I picked more than the other.

    • 3What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (253)




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    Jun 13, 2012
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    • Jan 21, 2023
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    • #7

    Lamartine said:

    I think this gets at a core feature of the doctrines. Historically, nations often used something from both sides of the tree, but in HOI4 we have to choose.

    I don't mind, because I think interesting game play is generally more important than getting the historical details perfect. But I do have to develop a head canon that my nation is using both sides of the tree, it's just that it 'emphasises' the side I picked more than the other.

    Yeah I've been giving that angle of it a lot of thought, because it's pretty clear from looking at them that they're mixed histories, the mutual exclusvity is more a game thing than a reality thing, but different theaters can't have different doctrines, and shifting them over time, it would be impossible to keep up, as with the Soviet Deep Battle/Org doctrine being shifted *away* from following the purges, only to come back later-- like according to real history, the Soviets would have been halfway down the Mass Assault tree in '36.

    I think Paradox has done an alright enough job here with turning it into game mechanics, and your idea of "emphasis" is a helpful framing.

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    marcelo r. r.

    Field Marshal

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    • Jan 22, 2023
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    • #8

    Historically most of these "doctrines" aren't real "doctrines" but late developed nickname given later, like many ppl say theres not a book called "Blitzkrieg" in ww2. So the sources are very scatered, sometimes in dev diaries they mention books they read, sometimes they hire historians. A exception is perhaps the "shock and wave".

    Some of them are fictional(like modern blitzkrieg), but very creative and concise.

    About mix them to come close to reality would end in

    balance nightmare

    , because the doctrine system is in really emulating the "Specialization" system from MMOPRG's/RPG's games characters building. if u aren't familiar with that, u can take a look: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Classes_and_specializations_(Inquisition)

    But by gods, how i miss the hoi2 doctrines artwork!! i have wiped hoi2 probably 5years or more long time ago from computer, the screenshot of doctrines is the only thing i have saved.

    What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (318)

    • 1What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (319)




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    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (321)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (322)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (323)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (324)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (325)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (326)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (327)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (328)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (329)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (330)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (331)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (332)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (333)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (334)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (335)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (336)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (337)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (338)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (339)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (340)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (341)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (342)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (343)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (344)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (345)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (346)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (347)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (348)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (349)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (350)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (351)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (352)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (353)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (354)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (355)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (356)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (357)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (358)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (359)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (360)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (361)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (362)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (363)
    • Jan 22, 2023
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    • #9

    marcelo r. r. said:

    But by gods, how i miss the hoi2 doctrines artwork!!

    I really liked the Hoi2 artwork too. Some parts of the Hoi4 style I enjoy more, like the focus icons and division symbols. But I really miss the doctrine photos and scribbles that outline the concept.

    • 3What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (364)
    • 1




    71 Badges

    Jul 19, 2016
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (366)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (367)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (368)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (369)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (370)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (371)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (372)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (373)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (374)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (375)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (376)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (377)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (378)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (379)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (380)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (381)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (382)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (383)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (384)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (385)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (386)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (387)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (388)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (389)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (390)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (391)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (392)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (393)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (394)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (395)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (396)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (397)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (398)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (399)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (400)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (401)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (402)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (403)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (404)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (405)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (406)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (407)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (408)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (409)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (410)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (411)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (412)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (413)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (414)
    • What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (415)
    • Jan 22, 2023
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    • #10

    Lamartine said:

    I really liked the Hoi2 artwork too. Some parts of the Hoi4 style I enjoy more, like the focus icons and division symbols. But I really miss the doctrine photos and scribbles that outline the concept.

    I love the unit icons in HOI2 tbh. Specifically these

    What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (416)

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    What are the sources for the Land Doctrines? (2024)


    What is land doctrine? ›

    Land doctrine allows a nation to specialize the way its army conducts land warfare.

    How do you change the doctrine in Hearts of Iron 4? ›

    You have to start with the doctrine furthest down the tree, abandon that one, and then work your way up to the branch where you want to make the change, abandoning each in turn. Then you can research the one you want. Have fun with AoD! Thank you very much!

    Which land doctrine is the best? ›

    MW is the safest bet. Not the best doctrine, SF can be better in certain situations, GBP could also be better even Mass Assault could also be better. But MW is best to choose if you're not sure what your opponent is doing or if you are not sure if you have a massive advantage or not.

    What is the difference between a theory and a doctrine? ›

    A theory may be specific to certain ideology or doctrines/principles. I.e Laws of physics are theories (not hypothetical) to that branch of science. Doctrine is equitable to principles or theory but leans closer to dogma, similarly it can also be considered a principle.

    How do you know if a country is a major in hoi4? ›

    A country is considered major by factory count: If a country has at least 35 factories and either is in the top 7 by factory count or has at least 0.7 of the average factory amount of the top 7 countries, it will be considered a major country. This means that there may be more than 7 major countries in the late game.

    What is core territory in hoi4? ›

    Cores. States can be either core states or colony states. Cores are considered an integral part of the country, and the inhabitants are fully available for military service. Nations get a -98% penalty to manpower in colony states, and have half as many building slots available as in a core state.

    What do arms against tyranny add? ›

    This expansion to Paradox Interactive's celebrated grand strategy wargame about the tumult of the years around the Second World War adds new focus trees and alternate histories for the northernmost nations of Europe, customization of weapons manufacturers, and new ways to take advantage of neutrality to profit your own ...

    How do you get political power in Hearts of Iron 4? ›

    Political power is generated at a base rate of +2 per day on Regular difficulty. The other difficulty levels add percentage bonuses and penalties, respectively. The rate at which political power is generated is also influenced by a nation's stability.

    Can you delete divisions in hoi4? ›

    Click the Unassign Units button or press the X key X to remove the selected divisions from the army. Note that this action preserves the divisions for reassignment to a new or different army.

    What is Hearts of Iron 4 DLC? ›

    Downloadable content (DLC) is content built by Paradox Development Studio (PDS) as an extension or add-on to Hearts of Iron IV. They are modular in nature, which means that a player can choose to play with or without a given DLC by checking them out at the launch menu.

    What is the Land Warfare Doctrine 1? ›

    LWD 1 represents 'world's best practice' in strategic thinking about land power. It provides relevant doctrine for the future conduct of land operations that the Army will be expected to carry out in partnership with the Navy and Air Force, as well as with friends and allies.

    What is the Australian military doctrine? ›

    Australian Defence Force (ADF) doctrine describes principles that guide the employment and operational effectiveness of a joint force. ADF doctrine publications are designed to concisely describe these principles, and so promote coordinated actions in support of missions and the commander's intent.

    What are the ADF doctrine publications? ›

    ADF doctrine publications are written at several levels—capstone, philosophical and integration. The content of this publication has been derived from general principles and doctrine contained in other relevant joint and single-Service publications, Defence manuals and allied publications and agreements.

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    Name: Dan Stracke

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    Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.