Neonatal Resuscitation (2024)

Infants that are not breathing or struggling to breathe at birth may require resuscitation, intubation, or surfactant therapy. The term resuscitation refers to a revival from a state of unconsciousness; in some cases, the infant may appear to be dead prior to resuscitation. Intubation is the process of inserting a tube into the trachea (through the mouth or nose) to maintain an open airway. The tube can also be attached to a ventilator. Surfactant is a substance that is produced by the lungs. If an infant does not have enough surfactant, doctors will need to administer surfactant therapy. This will allow the lungs to properly expand and take in the oxygenated air (1). Delays in performing resuscitative measures, intubation, or surfactant therapy can result in devastating consequences. Moreover, mistakes made while attempting resuscitation, intubation, and surfactant therapy can vastly increase the risk that a baby will have severe health issues. These procedures require highly trained personnel, who should be present at high-risk births in case there is an emergency (1, 2).

Importance of being prepared for breathing intervention

Most infants transfer from life inside the womb to life outside without the need for any special assistance. However, about 10% of babies need some intervention, and 1% will require extensive resuscitative measures at birth (2). Thus, medical personnel who are properly trained should be readily available to perform neonatal resuscitation at every birthing location, whether or not problems are anticipated. Preterm infants are more likely to require resuscitation and develop complications from it, compared to term infants (2). If a preterm birth is anticipated and time permits, the mother should be transferred to a perinatal center (a center that specializes in high-risk births) prior to delivery.

A delay in performing any of the resuscitative maneuvers described below can result in the baby being deprived of oxygen and adequate blood flow. This can cause damage to the baby’s organs, including the heart and brain. Early intervention is crucial when a baby needs resuscitation.

Neonatal Resuscitation (1)

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Neonatal Resuscitation (2)

Risk factors for neonatal resuscitation

Infants who are at risk for needing resuscitation can be identified by certain risk factors, as well as the presence of complications that occurred during pregnancy or labor and delivery. The following are risk factors associated with the need for breathing assistance at birth (2):

Maternal medical conditions

If a mother has certain factors that make her pregnancy high-risk, her child has a higher risk of needing breathing assistance at birth. The following are maternal conditions that increase the likelihood of neonatal resuscitation at birth (2):

  • Advanced maternal age, or very young maternal age
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Maternal hypertension
  • Substance abuse
  • Prior stillbirth, miscarriage, or neonatal death

Fetal/pregnancy conditions

During pregnancy, the fetus may show risk factors correlated with the need for neonatal resuscitation. In addition, some pregnancy complications may arise that also increase this risk. Below are some common examples (2):

  • Premature birth
  • Postterm pregnancy
  • Genetic/congenital anomalies
  • Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
  • Multiple gestations (e.g. twins, triplets, or more)
  • Placenta previa
  • Placental abruption
  • Oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid) or polyhydramnios (an excess of amniotic fluid)
  • Transverse lie or breech presentation
  • Chorioamnionitis
  • Meconium-stained fluid (or foul-smelling amniotic fluid)
  • Birth asphyxia (HIE)
  • Abnormal fetal heart rate patterns
  • Mechanical delivery (i.e. the use of forceps or vacuum extractors)
  • Emergency C-section

Medical personnel (including physicians) who are adequately trained and skilled in neonatal resuscitation should be present at every high-risk birth. In addition, equipment for resuscitation should be present at the birth (2).

Neonatal resuscitation: steps

At birth, all babies (whether term or preterm) should be evaluated on their muscle tone and ability to breathe and cry. In the assessment of a term newborn, if it is found that the baby has good muscle tone and is able to both breathe and cry, they likely will not need resuscitative assistance. However, if the baby is preterm, has poor muscle tone, and/or has difficulty breathing or crying, neonatal resuscitation may be necessary (2).

If it is determined that neonatal resuscitation is necessary, medical professionals should move through the steps outlined below. If after a particular step the baby responds with spontaneous respiration and a heart rate greater than 100 bpm, no further steps should be taken. However, if after a step a baby is still gasping, has apnea or labored breathing, has cyanosis, or has a heart rate less than 100 bpm, medical professionals should continue to the next step. These steps are outlined below (2):

  1. Initial stabilization: Medical professionals should warm, dry, and properly position the baby. They should also provide tactile stimulation and clear the baby’s airway if necessary.
  2. Breathing assistance: At this point, the baby should either be ventilated or oxygenated, depending on the circ*mstances. If the baby has a heart rate of < 100 bpm and has apnea/is gasping they should be given positive pressure ventilation (PPV). Newborns with a heart rate > 100 bpm with labored breathing or cyanosis should be given supplemental oxygen and the use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) should be considered. Both of these breathing assistance techniques will be covered in greater detail below.
  3. Chest compressions: Chest compressions are often used if the newborn’s heart rate stays under 60 bpm despite adequate ventilation for 30 seconds.
  4. Epinephrine administration: Epinephrine, a hormone and intervention for resuscitation, can be administered intravenously if the above steps failed to provide assistance.
  5. Volume expansion: Though rarely used, volume expansion can be administered in order to prevent neonatal hypovolemia (decreased amount of blood flowing through the body) if the baby’s heart rate stays < 60 bpm after the above steps.

Neonatal resuscitation interventions and procedures

Airway clearance/suctioning

Breathing issues in the newborn may appear when mucus or secretions block the airway. In these circ*mstances, a tube is placed in order to draw out or aspirate the blockage. When an infant has suffered from meconium aspiration, a special ET suctioning tube is used. Only babies with an obvious obstruction after birth are immediately suctioned (2). The risks involved with airway suctioning include hypoxemia, bradycardia, hypotension, reduced oxygen availability, and pneumothorax (11).

Positive pressure ventilation (PPV)

When babies needs help breathing, medical professionals often turn to positive pressure ventilation (PPV). PPV provides newborns with air via a mask, inflating bag, or T-piece resuscitator (which includes an airflow control valve). PPV is designed to improve the exchange of air between the lungs and the outside world (2, 3). PPV is indicated if the baby’s heart rate is < 100 bpm, they are apneic, or they are gasping for breath (2). There are certain risks and complications associated with PPV in the newborn population, including (2, 4):

  • Ineffective ventilation due to leaks in the mask
  • An excess of air moving to the baby’s stomach, if a mask is used
  • Vomit aspiration, if a bag is used
  • Over- or under-ventilation
  • Pulmonary air-leak
  • Lung or airway injury
  • Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (a chronic lung disease)
  • Retinopathy of prematurity (the formation of scar tissue behind the eye)

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a non-invasive method used to help a baby breathe. Physicians typically try CPAP before they move to the invasive method of ventilatory support, endotracheal intubation (discussed below). During CPAP administration, the baby wears a mask or nasal prongs and a machine delivers continuous pressure to keep the baby’s lungs open. Forms of CPAP such as non-invasive positive pressure breathing (NIPPV) give the baby a set amount of full breaths (breaths that the baby does not have to initiate) to give the baby additional breathing assistance (1, 2).

CPAP is indicated for neonates when the following conditions are present (7):

  • Respiratory acidosis
  • Respiratory distress syndrome
  • Recurrent apnea or other labored breathing
  • Apnea of prematurity
  • Atelectasis (a condition in which parts of the lungs collapse)

Complications associated with neonatal CPAP use include skin reactions, air leaks, over- or under-ventilation injuries, pneumothorax (collapsed lung), and more (7).

Endotracheal intubation is the placement of an endotracheal tube to allow direct access to the upper trachea for delivery of PPV. The tube can be placed through the nose and into the trachea, or through the mouth and into the trachea (2).

Intubation may be necessary if PPV by way of the above methods is ineffective, if chest compressions are being performed, or if signs of respiratory/ventilatory failure (discussed in detail below) are present (2). In addition, intubation can be used to relieve airway obstructions and secretions (5).

Intubation comes with its own set of risks and complications including hypoxia (if the intubation process takes too long), placement injuries, contamination risks, and the possibility of inhaling vomit (6).

Watching chest movement and listening with a stethoscope for breath sounds on both sides of the chest can help ensure proper placement of the tube. A quick, bedside chest x-ray can verify placement (2).

Chest compressions

When performing chest compression on an infant, two or three fingers are used to gently press down on the center of the baby’s chest to help push blood through the heart and surrounding vessels. Neonatal chest compressions should always be accompanied by PPV. Chest compressions are indicated when a baby’s heart rate remains below 60 bpm despite adequate oxygenation (via PPV or intubation) for 30 seconds (2).

If chest compressions are not done with skill, the baby could suffer injuries to the heart, ribs, chest, lungs, and liver (2).

Supplemental oxygen administration

Oxygen is the most commonly administered medication in the delivery room and is often a life-saving measure for newborns in need of breathing assistance (8). As with all resuscitation procedures, the medical team must follow guidelines and target ranges for oxygen levels to ensure that the baby receives enough oxygen. Medical professionals use pulse oximetry, a test used to measure the oxygen saturation of the blood, to determine when the administration of oxygen is appropriate in the newborn population (2).

Supplemental oxygen administration carries serious risks. In fact, the standard of using 100% oxygen whenever supplemental oxygen is called for has been called into question. The use of too much oxygen can cause complications such as retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), collapsed or damaged lungs, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and more (2, 9). Due to these risks, it is now recommended that either “blended oxygen” (not 100% oxygen) or room air be used in initial resuscitation efforts, especially in premature infants (2).

Surfactant therapy

Surfactant is a substance produced by the lungs that assists with breathing and helps to prevent injury and infection in the lungs. When respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is present, a baby fails to make enough surfactant, thereby preventing the lungs from expanding properly. In cases of RDS, especially in preterm babies, surfactant can be administered in order to keep the lungs from sticking together, and can be an effective treatment for breathing assistance. Surfactant therapy is indicated when, after CPAP therapy, an infant still suffers with severe respiratory distress (1). Risks of surfactant administration include bradycardia, hypoxemia, pulmonary hemorrhage, and hyperventilation (10).


Medications are rarely indicated in newborn resuscitation. However, if a newborn’s heart rate remains less than 60 bpm despite adequate ventilation, oxygen administration, and chest compressions, certain drugs may be used. Epinephrine may be used to increase the volume of blood pumped by the heart in an attempt to regulate a newborn’s heart rate. Volume expansion drugs may be used when blood loss is known or expected in order to increase the baby’s blood volume. Both Epinephrine and volume expansion drugs should be used only in specific circ*mstances (2).

Monitoring during neonatal resuscitation

When resuscitation procedures are started, it is crucial to monitor the baby’s temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate, as well as the oxygen level in the blood. The following are techniques used to monitor newborns during resuscitation:

  • Pulse oximetry: Pulse oximetry is a method of continuously monitoring a newborn’s oxygen saturation (the amount of oxygen in a baby’s blood). A sensor is placed on the baby’s finger or toe, and a wire connects this sensor to a machine that continuously displays the oxygen level in the baby’s blood (2, 13).
  • Umbilical arterial catheter: An umbilical artery catheter (UAC) allows blood to be sampled from the baby at different times, without repeated needle sticks. This catheter should be placed in the baby immediately after birth if there is any suspicion that the baby could have heart or breathing problems. It is used to continuously monitor the baby’s blood pressure, and to sample arterial blood that shows the baby’s oxygen level as well as crucial information about organ function. This is the most accurate way to measure the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH levels of the baby’s blood (14).
  • Blood pressure cuff: If UAC is not feasible, a blood pressure cuff can be used to measure blood pressure. A small machine is connected to a cuff wrapped around the baby’s arm or leg, which automatically takes the baby’s blood pressure at regular times and displays the numbers on a screen (15, 16).
  • Cardiopulmonary monitor: In most cases, the baby should be attached to a cardiopulmonary monitor, which is a machine that tracks the baby’s heart rate and breathing. It is connected to the baby by small adhesive monitoring pads placed on the chest. A monitor displays information on the screen, which can be printed on paper (16).

Neonatal Resuscitation (3)

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Neonatal resuscitation mistakes

It is essential that the medical team be skilled in resuscitative procedures. Slow or improper performance of these procedures – and failure to perform procedures when indicated – can critical deprivation of adequate oxygen and blood flow to the baby. Seconds matter during resuscitation, and deprivation of oxygen and blood can lead to disability and permanent brain injuries, including hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), cerebral palsy, periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), and brain bleeds. The type and severity of the brain damage depend on many factors, including how long the baby was deprived of adequate blood flow and oxygen. Accurate monitoring of the baby’s vital signs and medical status also is critical.

If a medical team fails to quickly and appropriately carry out resuscitation procedures when indicated, it is negligence. If this negligence leads to an injury in the baby, it is medical malpractice.

Neonatal Resuscitation (4) Neonatal Resuscitation (5)

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  1. Martin, R. (2019, February). Prevention and treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants. Retrieved from
  2. Fernandes, C. J. (2019, January). Neonatal resuscitation in the delivery room. Retrieved from
  3. Shiel, W. C., Jr. (n.d.). Definition of Positive pressure ventilation. Retrieved from
  4. Fraser, D. (n.d.). 10 Complications of Positive Pressure Ventilation. Retrieved from
  5. Dagle, J. (2018, December 06). Technique for insertion of an endotracheal (ET) tube. Retrieved from
  6. Neonatal Intubation. (1994, November). Retrieved from Neonatal Intubation.pdf.
  7. The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  8. Kapadia, V. (2018, March 07). Oxygen Therapy in the Delivery Room: What Is the Right Dose? Retrieved from
  9. Jobe, A. H., & Kallapur, S. G. (2010, August). Long term consequences of oxygen therapy in the neonatal period. Retrieved from
  10. Canadian Paediatric Society. (2005, February). Recommendations for neonatal surfactant therapy. Retrieved from
  11. Gonçalves, R. L., Tsuzuki, L. M., & Carvalho, M. G. (2015). Endotracheal suctioning in intubated newborns: An integrative literature review. Retrieved from
  12. Abdel-Hady, H., Nasef, N., Shabaan, A. E., & Nour, I. (2015, November 08). Caffeine therapy in preterm infants. Retrieved from
  13. Dawson, J. A., Davis, P. G., O’Donnell, C. P., Kamlin, C. O., & Morley, C. J. (2007, January). Pulse oximetry for monitoring infants in the delivery room: A review. Retrieved from
  14. Umbilical artery catheterisation for neonates. (2014, May). Retrieved from
  15. Blood Pressure Cuff. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  16. Common NICU equipment. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Neonatal Resuscitation (10)

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Neonatal Resuscitation (29)

Neonatal Resuscitation (2024)


How many questions are on the NRP exam? ›

The learner must pass the NRP Advanced Exam (35 questions) and attend an instructor-led Provider Course that covers Lessons 5 through 11. After successful completion of the RQI for NRP Advanced Endorsem*nt instructor-led course, they receive their eCard as an NRP Advanced provider.

What are the 4 NRP questions? ›

The 4 pre-birth questions are: (1) What is the expected gestational age? (2) Is the amniotic fluid clear? (3) Are there any additional risk factors? (4) What is our umbilical cord management plan?

What are the 5 steps of newborn resuscitation? ›

  • Initial steps in stabilisation (provide warmth, position, clear airway, dry, stimulate, re-position)
  • Ventilation.
  • Chest compressions.
  • Administration of epinephrine and / or volume expansion.

Which mnemonic is used in neonatal resuscitation? ›

In the setting of inadequate ventilation, the most recent NRP guidelines devised the MR SOPA acronym (Figure 1) to remind resuscitators to initiate ventilation corrective steps: M (mask adjustment), R (reposition airway), S (suction mouth and nose), O (open mouth), P (pressure increase), A (alternate airway) [5].

How long does it take to study for NRP? ›

The Instructor-led format uses a 2-year cycle of completing an online component and a hands-on instructor-led component. RQI for NRP is a self-directed learning program that uses low-dose, high-frequency quarterly learning and skills sessions to cover the content of NRP Essentials.

Can you retake NRP exam? ›

Timing Issues to Consider

After 14 days, the test becomes invalid and another exam must be purchased. After passing the exam, you must attend the NRP instructor-led course within 30 days. After 30 days, the exam becomes invalid and must be retaken, which requires the purchase of a new exam.

What is the breath ratio for NRP? ›

If the heart rate remains below 60 beats per minute despite 30 seconds of adequate positive pressure ventilation, chest compressions should be initiated with a two-thumb encircling technique at a 3:1 compression-to-ventilation ratio.

What is code pink in NRP? ›

Definition and Overview A “Code Pink” is the standardized signal used to indicate an acute medical emergency for an infant who is less than 28 days old in any area of the hospital.

What is the single most effective step in NRP? ›

Ventilation of the newborn's lungs is the single most important and effective step in neonatal resuscitation.

Do you suction a baby's mouth or nose first? ›

Suction the mouth before the nose (remember: “M” comes before “N” in the alphabet). This helps prevent aspiration if the baby should gasp when the nose is suctioned. Vigorous or deep suction can damage tissue and stimulate a vagal response leading to apnea and bradycardia.

What is the golden minute in neonatal resuscitation? ›

Newborn resuscitation should be considered the Golden Minute. That is, if ventilations or chest compressions are required, they are initiated within one minute following delivery; however, do not wait one minute to calculate the APGAR score and then determine that there is a need for resuscitation.

What is a code blue newborn? ›

Code Blue — Adult medical emergency that doesn't allow movement of the patient. Code Blue Pediatric — Medical emergency in a child that doesn't allow movement of the patient. Code Blue Neonate — Medical emergency in an infant that doesn't allow movement of the patient.

What is Mr. Sopa in NRP? ›

MR. SOPA MR: Mask adjustment & Reposition airway SO: Suction & Open mouth P: Pressure increase A: Alternative airway.

What is ABCD of neonatal resuscitation? ›

There are 4 main steps in the basic resuscitation of a newborn infant. They can be easily remembered by thinking of the first 4 letters of the alphabet, i.e. "ABCD" - AIRWAY - BREATHING - CIRCULATION - DRUGS.

What is the ABCD of newborn resuscitation? ›

Neonatal resuscitation is a series of actions used to assist newborn babies who have difficulty transitioning from intrauterine to extrauterine life. It involves maintaining temperature, establishing an open airway, initiating breathing, and maintaining circulation (TABC protocol).

What are the three questions in NRP? ›

This initial evaluation may occur during the interval between birth and umbilical cord clamping. You will rapidly ask 3 questions: (1) Does the baby appear to be term, (2) Does the baby have good muscle tone, and (3) Is the baby breathing or crying?

How long is the NRP online exam? ›

How long will it take to complete the exam? The average time to complete the full examination (all 9 lessons) is 55 minutes. How long to I have to complete the exam? Once you launch the exam, you must complete it within 14 days.

What is a passing score for the NRP 8th edition? ›

Pass the 3-part Instructor Exam: • Online Learning Assessment • NRP Advanced Exam (35 questions) with 80% passing score • Instructor-specific questions (20 questions) with 85% passing score Receive your NRP 8th edition Instructor Card Within 30 days of application approval, log into your NRP account and enroll in the ...

What are the 4 pre birth questions for NRP 8th edition? ›

The 4 pre-birth questions: (1) Gestational age? (2) Amniotic fluid clear? (3) Additional risk factors? (4) Umbilical cord management plan?

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