Fresh Start Worlds - Rediscover RuneScape Together! - News - RuneScape - RuneScape (2025)

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Ever wish you could go back to the feeling of those magic early days in an MMO? Well in RuneScape, now you can!

To mark the milestone of 300 million accounts and over two decades since some of you took your first step in Gielinor, we've put together something we call 'Fresh Start Worlds', a special limited-time game mode – and your chance to break new ground all over again!

Take on a totally new character, earn rewards and take that character - including all your progression and drops - into the main game at any time*. Get ready to experience Gielinor as a blank slate this September 26th beginning at 12:00 Game Time!

Sign up here now for updates and an opening-day reminder email.

The best time to begin again

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Whether you’re a regular ‘Scaper seeking new challenges, an experienced player making the return to Gielinor, or even a total newbie setting on your first adventure, Fresh Start Worlds put everyone on a level playing field.

Dive in with a new character and start building your skillset for a totally different adventure in RuneScape with a brand new economy and fresh Grand Exchange. Discover Gielinor again as you grow your skills, quest, craft, battle, and more.

You can gather your friends and explore this new mode together, or forge your own adventure alone – the choice is yours. You can even earn exclusive rewards! Here's the best part: your progressed character and tradeable rewards can be transferred to the main game later.

And, for the more competitive players, a clean slate of HiScores means a second chance at eternal glory on the leaderboards! Compete for World's First and Top 100s for exclusive rewards.

If you could start your adventure over again, what would you do differently? Time to find out!

Faster Leveling

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Accelerated XP Boosts and gameplay buffs make skilling up from nothing fast and fun! As the event progresses week-by-week, the XP will increase in small increments - peaking at the 8 week mark - and then gradually reducing towards normal levels as the event begins to come to a close. At it's highest peak, you can expect to see 2.5XP.

On top of that, you'll be able to unlock even more earnable boons as you play in Fresh Start Worlds: everything from accuracy boosts, loyalty auras, double yield chance boosts, and 20% increased chance for double drops are all on the cards. So don't worry if you start your adventure a little later – you’ll soon catch up with your friends!

Fresh Challenges

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Throughout Fresh Start Worlds, you’ll be able to earn alternative Skill Capes, skilling pets that come equipped with their very own Gold 'Challenger' Halo and a variety of special rewards as you progress. We've got all the details on those later in the post!

For the competitive among you, the race for World Firsts and Hi-Scores taking place in the first eight weeks will lead you to the special tradeable Challenger Halo! During this competitive phase of the event, Treasure Hunter will be disabled as the competition takes place. Once the competitive period has ended, Treasure Hunter will be re-enabled. Find out more about Hi-Score competitions further down this post.

Once the seasonal game mode has ended, we will transition players back to the main game. You'll be allowed to take your stats, (most) items and game progress back with you - or simply trade your rewards back to your Main! You can also transition back to the main game early if you wish.

(Note: There will be a snapshot of HiScores at the end of the competitive phase to determine who gets which rewards. HiScores will also continue beyond this point).

Tradeable Rare Halo Hunt

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Reach eight important milestones on a Fresh Start World and you’ll get the Basic Tradeable Rare Halo of Returning! This shiny item shows that you've really got your stuff together, even when starting from scratch.

Milestones that count towards a Halo of Returning include:

  • Every 500 total level you reach.
  • Every 50 Quest Points.
  • Every 2,000 RuneScore.

There are all sorts of milestones to hit – achieve any eight of them and the Halo is yours!

Progress Points and Rewards

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Progress Points are the central currency of the Fresh Start game mode. They can be earned by engaging in the following activities:

  • Leveling Skills
  • Completing Quests
  • Completing Achievements

Total points are made up of the following values:

  • Total Levels x5
  • Total Quest Points x25
  • Total RuneScore

Rack up those progress points to obtain rewards, including gameplay boosts and helpful items!

Players will also have access to a Progression Shop, where they can unlock different rewards based on their own progression track. Many of these rewards can only be traded once, but you can transfer them to your main account, or sell them after the season is over. It's up to you!

Fresh Start Worlds will also include Timeline bonuses that apply to every account in the event, steadily unlocked over the course of the season. These include auras, special buffs, XP boosts and other boosts. They will not be obtainable via Progress Points and will not carry over to the main game.

Fresh Start World Progression Rewards

*Note: Each item in the Reward Shop can only be earned once. Progress Point balancing is still ongoing - we'll provide final figures on the required Points closer to release

NameItemDescriptionHow to Earn
Boon of the CompanionPetLegendary Pet with a variety of helpful perks.Unlocked at Progress Points Milestones
Boon of DefenceOutfit Hybrid Armour that upgrades as you level up your Defence skill.Unlocked at Progress Points Milestones
Boon of OffenceWeaponHybrid Weapon that upgrades as you level up your combat skills. You can switch it between Melee, Ranged and Magic.Unlocked at Progress Point milestones
Challenger Halo HaloNew tradeable items, earned by meeting gameplay challenges and milestones in these worlds only.This is earned by either getting a world first or being in the top 100 of any skill's Hi-Scores
Halo of ReturningHaloTradeable rare Halo, earnable through progress in Fresh Start WorldsEarned via the Halo Hunt
Inverted Skill CapesAlternative Colour Skill CapesSkill Capes earned in the Fresh Start Worlds will have a new, alternative look, with colour schemes flipped.
Note: If traded to another account, you will still need 99 in the skill to use this variant Cape.
Complete skill to 99
Halo Pet SkinsSkilling Pet HalosAll skilling pets earned in the new Worlds will come equipped with their very own Halo of Returning, exclusive to Fresh Start Worlds.
Note: This reward is given as an Unlock Token that can be traded once to another account (for the purposes of transferring to your Main or another account). This cannot to be sold on the GE. If transferred to another account, the Halo Skill Pet variant will not be usable until that account has unlocked that Skill Pet in the main game.
Earned by getting the respective skill pet in the FSW mode
“The Fresh” (prefix)Competitive TitlesUnlocked by earning the Challenger HaloThis is earned by either getting a world first or being in the top 100 of any skill's Hi-Scores
World First BroadcastsWorld First BroadcastsEvery world first broadcast… starting anew! Be the first on these new worlds to gain achievements and have your glory broadcast to every world!First to complete task

On top of the rewards you can earn and keep forever, we also have Fresh Start World exclusive 'Boons' to unlock! As you earn Progress Points, you'll earn more of these bonuses - though they won't follow your account back into the main game. Check 'em out below.

Boon of EnduranceInfinite Run EnergyProvides infinite run energy.
This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of LuckOff-Brand Tier 1 Luck Ring.
3 Style Boosts to Melee, Magic and Ranged.
Provides a ring that gives combat style bonuses and grants tier 1 luck, which improves your chances to receive rare rewards from various activities.
This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of PlentyTreasure Hunter Item Care Package 1:
10 Medium Prismatic Stars
5 Pulse Cores
5 Cinder Cores
50 of each Protean
Provides a collection of items that can help you level your skills. This includes:
- 10 medium prismatic stars, which give you Bonus XP in a skill of your choice.
-5 pulse cores, which grant a +50% XP boost while worn until consumed.
- 5 cinder cores, which grant a +150% Bonus XP burn boost while worn until consumed.
- 50 of each protean item, which can be consumed to grant XP in a specific skill.
Boon of HealingInfinitely reusable food item.
Up to 2200 life points, depending on player level.
Has a 5 minute cooldown.
Provides a cornucopia of food that never depletes. It can heal some life points every 5 minutes.
This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Regeneration5% life points, prayer points and summoning points regeneration per 6 seconds outside of combat.In addition to any other regeneration effects, your life points, prayer points and summoning points regenerate by 5% every 6 seconds while you're outside of combat.
This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of the ArtisanAll portable skilling station resource perks.10% chance to save resources when training Construction, Crafting, Firemaking and Fletching.
10% chance to produce double items when training Cooking, Herblore and Runecrafting.
+10% chance for double progress when training Smithing.
This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of BankingItem that can be activated from the backpack for 1 hour every day. When clicked while, opens the deposit box interface.Provides a deposit box that can be activated once a day to allow you to deposit items from your backpack to your bank for one hour.
This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Ammunition25% less consumption of arrows, bolts and runes.25% chance to save your runes, arrows, bolts, darts, throwing knives, throwing axes and javelins in combat.
This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Vigour10% boost to base life points, prayer points and summoning points.Your base life points, prayer points and summoning points are boosted by 10%.
This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of the Porter Pocket slot item that gives a permanent passive 50% Sign of the Porter effect chance.Provides the challenger porter, which has a 50% chance to transport certain items directly to your bank when you receive them.
This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.

World First Race and HiScores challenges

For those of you who are extra competitive and fancy a real challenge, we've prepared a nice one to keep you on your toes. Make your name in the HiScores and you could earn a Special Tradeable Halo for your trouble!

Competitive Reward: Ultra Rare Tradeable Challenger Halo

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This very limited Gold Halo reward is exclusive to players who achieve the following by the end of the competitive phase:

  • Competition winners who are the top 100 in each skill

Each player to get a world first broadcast in the following areas will also receive their reward immediately rather than having to wait for the end of the competitive phase:

  • First to 99 in each skill
  • First to 120 in each skill
  • First to Quest Cape
  • First to Max Cape

These Halos can be taken to the main game early. If you achieve multiple competition wins (top 100 in two or more skills), you'll also receive a Challenge Halo for each one - although the title will only be unlocked once!

A few notes on the Competitive phase

  • Bond trading is restricted to buying OR selling 1 bond per week (Wed-Wed)
  • Twitch prime drops follow ironman rules
  • Premier artefact does not work
  • Premier vault follows the ironman drop tables
  • Premier club monthly drops cannot be claimed until after the competitive phase has ended.
  • The Yak Sack item follows ironman rules

When You Can Play

Sound exciting? There's not long to wait – Fresh Start Worlds open on September 26th! Why not call your old friends up for a brand new adventure?

All Fresh Start World accounts are fully fledged RuneScape accounts that will follow you back to the game, including your progression and rewards. In order to play Fresh Start Worlds, you'll need to create a brand new RuneScape account with Membership once the mode launches and select to join 'Fresh Start Worlds'.**

Players will be able to exchange a bond for a "FSW Membership Coupon" to start out their new adventure!

Sign up here now for updates and an opening-day reminder email.

*Please note Fresh Start Worlds characters cannot return to the Fresh Start Worlds event once they are transferred to the main game. Fresh Start Worlds ends on January 9th.

**Note: Ironman Mode is not available in Fresh Start Worlds.

- The RuneScape Team

Fresh Start Worlds - Rediscover RuneScape Together!  - News - RuneScape - RuneScape (2025)


What is the point of fresh start worlds RuneScape? ›

What are Fresh Start Worlds? Fresh Start Worlds are just a way to play the Old School RuneScape that you love, but on fresh worlds with a fresh economy, fresh hi-scores and on a level playing field. It isn't a new game mode like Leagues or Deadman, and there's no new content, rewards, or anything like that.

How do I access fresh start worlds? ›

All new content released in the main game during this time was added to Fresh Start Worlds. It ran on a separate set of servers than the standard worlds, requiring a new account that hasn't played RuneScape before and a membership subscription.

What is the difference between Old School RuneScape and fresh start worlds? ›

Unlike the RuneScape counterpart, Fresh Start Worlds did not feature any increased experience rates, in-game buffs, or rewards. They did however feature "Achievement Points", earned through completing quests, bossing, achievement diaries, or clue scrolls.

What happens when you transfer worlds in New World? ›

Important: Your character will be placed within a random world in the desired region. You'll receive a free transfer token to change to a world of your choice in that region. Log in to your character in the new region, and then open the in-game Store and select the Character Transfer tab.

How much does it cost to transfer worlds in New World? ›

This New World server transfer guide explains how to transfer your character from one server to another. Server transfers are available for free (one time only) on the Store tab in the main menu.

Are fresh start worlds permanent? ›

However, this doesn't mean adventurers who play on these servers will lose all their progress. Everything that gamers have achieved in the whole six months will have their stats and progression integrated into the main game. Fresh Start Worlds will not be permanent.

What is the purpose of a fresh start? ›

You begin to reimagine yourself. Life should be lived to its fullest potential. Life will nudge you until you recognize who you have always wanted to be and what goals you want to achieve. A fresh start is a clearing of the mind, body, and soul, making way for new things.

Is New World basically RuneScape? ›

Better graphics, more refined crafting and gathering systems, combat system is a lot more immersive, but realistically... I think the reason I enjoyed New World so much is because I played way too much RuneScape back in my younger days and there are a ton of similarities.

How do I activate fresh start? ›

How to Use Windows 10 Fresh Start
  1. Type Windows Security in the Windows search box and select the Windows Security app.
  2. Select Device Performance & Health in the left pane.
  3. Select Additional Info in the Fresh Start section. ...
  4. Select Get started. ...
  5. Read the disclaimer and select Next to continue.
Jul 25, 2020

Should you play old or new RuneScape? ›

Is the new Runescape or old school Runescape better? New Runescape is probably better for people who never played the old school version. The old school version is is more grindy compared to the new one so it really depends what you type of game you prefer.

Is the new RuneScape better than the old one? ›

RuneScape 3 does Player vs Monsters much better than Old School RuneScape. There's more content and more variety, and the improved combat also plays a huge role in that. There's more to do and more to experience. It's less grindy and generally speaking more enjoyable.

Can you transfer items in New World? ›

With the lack of an in-game Mail system, players must use alternative means for moving stuff between their characters. This can be done through an intermediary like a trusted friend or creative use of the Trade Post.

How do you transfer servers in New World? ›

Simply open the store, navigate to the 'World Transfer' section on the left, and redeem your free single use token. The available servers will be displayed – choose your destination and click 'Select World' to proceed. There is a final confirmation screen before you lock in your server transfer.

What is a fresh start server New World? ›

It's not just new characters either; Fresh Start servers allow players to enjoy a new economy without any influence from high-level players who have spent months acquiring wealth and land for their guilds.

Can you change worlds in RuneScape? ›

World Switcher

Players can also favourite up to two worlds at a time. There are a few restrictions. Players cannot switch worlds if they have recently been in combat or have switched worlds multiple times in a row. Players will be warned if they click on a PvP world (Worlds 325, 337, 392 and 417).

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.