Fresh Start Worlds FAQ: What You Need to Know - News - RuneScape - RuneScape (2025)

Table of Contents
Progress and Gameplay What are Fresh Start Worlds? What are the key features of FSW? Is this game mode for me? When does FSW start and end? What do I need to play on FSW? Is free-to-play available? Can I make an Ironman account on FSW? What content is available for me? I don't understand how XP boosts work. Can you explain it? Will the mode start out in base XP or any multiplier? What are the 'Competitive' and 'Accomplishment' periods? How do HiScores work? How does the World's First Race competition work? Why should I participate? What will I get if I participate in the World's First Race? When does the WFR end? Is Treasure Hunter available? Are Bonds available? Do I have to finish the season to join the main game? What are Boons? What do I keep with me when I move to the main game? Where can I find help / additional information and community support? Do I need to play with others to enjoy this mode? Will there be any Clans? Is there a Leagues-like alternative game mode? - The RuneScape Team Accounts, Payment, etc. I have already an account, do I need a new account to play on FSW? Can I use Bonds on my main account to pay for the FSW account? Can I use Bonds acquired on a FSW account to buy Membership? Is there any special offer / subscription plan to cover the duration of FSW? I have Premier Membership on my main account. Will I have any of those benefits on FSW? What happens with my account when FSW is over? - The RuneScape Team Rewards What rewards can I earn playing FSW? How do I get them? Can I take the rewards I earn to the main game when FSW are over? How does it work? Are the rewards tradeable? Will any of the rewards be available via alternative methods once this event has ended, outside of the ones that come into the economy for a short time? Will there be a Yak Track event on FSW? - The RuneScape Team

Progress and Gameplay

What are Fresh Start Worlds?

Fresh Start Worlds is a brand new limited-time game mode for RuneScape where everything is the way it would be if the game had just been released.

In this fresh version of RuneScape, everyone starts from scratch with a brand new character, and Gielinor has a new economy and Grand Exchange. You can explore the world together as part of the community, earn rewards, make discoveries, then take your character - including progression and drops - into the main game at any time.

Whether you're returning to RuneScape or a total beginner, this is a great way to rediscover the game as new – and rejoin the main experience at the end of it!

What are the key features of FSW?

Some of the features include:

• Brand new economy and fresh Grand Exchange;

• All-new HiScores, a unique Title, and World First broadcasts;

• Accelerated XP rates and gameplay benefits;

• New tradeable rewards. You can take them to the main game later and either trade them or transfer them to your main account.

Is this game mode for me?

We've made this mode to help players who are starting out in RuneScape for the first time or people who have played in the past and are reintroducing themselves to Gielinor.

When they are done with FSW, they can seamlessly join the rest of us in the main game without losing their months of hard work.

However, we keep all our players in mind and aim to be inclusive of both returning and long-time players when offering new rewards and game modes. This is why we believe that everyone regardless of their experience will find something enjoyable on FSW.

When does FSW start and end?

Fresh Start World's will begin on September 26, 2022, at 12:00 and runs for 4 months.

What do I need to play on FSW?

You will need a brand new account with its own Membership subscription.

This account must not have entered RuneScape at any point in order to participate (though it can have been used to play Old School RuneScape).

With our current technical solutions, we are unable to link accounts in order to share Membership for this particular event.

However, we are working on a way to enable players to convert Bonds on an existing account for a Fresh Start Worlds 14-Day Membership Passcode, so that existing players can use their Bonds to get Membership on a new FSW account. We'll have updates on this method closer to launch.

Is free-to-play available?

F2P is not available on FSW due to competition and rewards available.

Can I make an Ironman account on FSW?

Ironman accounts are not available on FSW.

What content is available for me?

The playable content available in Fresh Start Worlds is exactly the same as the main game.

Throughout the duration of the event, Fresh Start Worlds will receive any updates from the main game too - including new content drops!

I don't understand how XP boosts work. Can you explain it?

Throughout Fresh Start Worlds there will be boosted experience rates to help players advance their characters.

These boosts begin off slowly (1.5xp) in the first three weeks and increase at a steady rate to the final week of the competitive phase. These rates will start reducing at that point week to week until they are in line with the rates on the main game.

There is a also a catch up boost for skills below level 70 that also grows in strength as the event proceeds and works alongside the other boost. We are still reviewing rates after reviewing your feedback. If there are any changes to these rates, we will communicate them immediately.

Will the mode start out in base XP or any multiplier?

We will start FSW with a 1.5x XP multiplier. See above for more info.

What are the 'Competitive' and 'Accomplishment' periods?

With the prospect of brand new HiScores (see below), we know many players out there will be racing to the top!

To make the World's First Race as fair as possible, we've introduced a Competitive phase to Fresh Start Worlds. For the first eight weeks of the event, Treasure Hunter and premium XP benefits (such as the Premier Membership Artifact) will be disabled.

During this time, Bonds will also have more limited functionality. See 'Are Bonds available?' for full info.

The World's First Race will finish at the end of Week 8. At this point, we enter the Accomplishment phase of the event.

During the Accomplishment phase, there will be no restrictions on Treasure Hunter or Premium XP benefits, matching the main game experience.

How do HiScores work?

HiScore tables will track players' progress same as in the main game. At the end of the competitive phase (Week 8) the table will be 'snapshotted' and the winners will gain their rewards.

HiScores will continue to update beyond the Competitive Phase and winners will be featured on a separate page. There are no further prizes for obtaining a HiScore outside the competitive phase.

How does the World's First Race competition work? Why should I participate?

Competition is another way to explore FSW if you consider yourself a competitive player and seeking a real challenge.

To become a winner you need to be one of the top 100 in each skill. There will be a World First broadcast in the following areas:

First to 99 in each skill

First to 120 in each skill

First to Quest Cape

First to Max Cape

Other rewards include the Tradeable Challenger Halo, Inverted Skill Capes and 'The Fresh' prefix title. You can read more about rewards here.

These rewards can be taken to the main game early. If you achieve multiple competition wins (top 100 in two or more skills), you'll also receive a Challenger Halo for each one - although the title will only be unlocked once!

What will I get if I participate in the World's First Race?

For every World First or Top 100 Skill HiScore achieved in the Competitive period, you'll receive a tradeable Competitive Halo!

You'll also receive a 'The Fresh' title to showcase your prowess. Note that this is only awarded to you and multiple titles will not be provided for multiple World First qualifying victories.

When does the WFR end?

The WFR ends when each of the categories has a winner.

Top 100 Skill HiScores will end after 8 weeks

Is Treasure Hunter available?

Treasure Hunter will not be available until the end of the competitive phase (Week 9), at which point it will be enabled in line with the main game.

Are Bonds available?

Our current plan is to make Bonds available in Fresh Start Worlds so players have a way to access paid features through gameplay, including extending your Membership (see above section regarding 14-Day Membership Passcodes).

During the Competitive Period, we are placing additional restrictions of one Bond trade per week to limit their potential impact on the competition while still enabling gameplay-driven Membership for our players.

Do I have to finish the season to join the main game?

No, you can join the main game at any time if you wish to do so. Please note it is not reversible.

What are Boons?

Boons are helpful perks that you earn via Progress Points in FSW. These perks only exist in FSW and will not transfer over to the main game.

You earn Progress Points by engaging in the following activities:

  • Leveling Skills
  • Completing Quests
  • Completing Achievements

Your score is calculated by the following values:

  • Total Levels x5
  • Total Quest Points x25
  • Total RuneScore

There are different Boons that can be unlocked at Progress Point milestones. Here are a few examples of Boons:

Boon of EnduranceInfinite Run EnergyProvides infinite run energy.
This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of LuckOff-Brand Tier 1 Luck Ring.
3 Style Boosts to Melee, Magic and Ranged.
Provides a ring that gives combat style bonuses and grants tier 1 luck, which improves your chances to receive rare rewards from various activities.
This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of PlentyTreasure Hunter Item Care Package 1:
10 Medium Prismatic Stars
5 Pulse Cores
5 Cinder Cores
50 of each Protean
Provides a collection of items that can help you level your skills. This includes:
- 10 medium prismatic stars, which give you Bonus XP in a skill of your choice.
-5 pulse cores, which grant a +50% XP boost while worn until consumed.
- 5 cinder cores, which grant a +150% Bonus XP burn boost while worn until consumed.
- 50 of each protean item, which can be consumed to grant XP in a specific skill.
Boon of HealingInfinitely reusable food item.
Up to 2200 life points, depending on player level.
Has a 5 minute cooldown.
Provides a cornucopia of food that never depletes. It can heal some life points every 5 minutes.
This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Regeneration5% life points, prayer points and summoning points regeneration per 6 seconds outside of combat.In addition to any other regeneration effects, your life points, prayer points and summoning points regenerate by 5% every 6 seconds while you're outside of combat.
This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of the ArtisanAll portable skilling station resource perks.10% chance to save resources when training Construction, Crafting, Firemaking and Fletching.
10% chance to produce double items when training Cooking, Herblore and Runecrafting.
+10% chance for double progress when training Smithing.
This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of BankingItem that can be activated from the backpack for 1 hour every day. When clicked while, opens the deposit box interface.Provides a deposit box that can be activated once a day to allow you to deposit items from your backpack to your bank for one hour.
This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Ammunition25% less consumption of arrows, bolts and runes.25% chance to save your runes, arrows, bolts, darts, throwing knives, throwing axes and javelins in combat.
This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Vigour10% boost to base life points, prayer points and summoning points.Your base life points, prayer points and summoning points are boosted by 10%.
This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of the Porter Pocket slot item that gives a permanent passive 50% Sign of the Porter effect chance.Provides the challenger porter, which has a 50% chance to transport certain items directly to your bank when you receive them.
This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.

What do I keep with me when I move to the main game?

Almost everything you earn in Fresh Start Worlds will transfer with you to the main game - including all your progression, drops, Bank, earned rewards and so on.

Your Fresh Start Worlds Boons - and their benefits - will not transfer to the main game. The pet, armour, and weapon will travel with you though.

When you choose to move back to the main game, you'll be shown anything that won't transfer with you so you know exactly what to expect.

Where can I find help / additional information and community support?

There are lots of different RuneScape community spaces where you can meet other players, find new friends or get advice. A good place to start is to join our official Discord channel which has links to the other themed communities we support.

Do I need to play with others to enjoy this mode?

You will not need to play with others to access this game mode or earn the rewards in it.

However, just like in the main game, Fresh Start Worlds is intended to support and foster a variety of social experiences, and to be a fun way to play together.

Will there be any Clans?

The Clan System will exist in Fresh Start Worlds! However, Citadels will not. Additionally, existing limitations on Clan creation and invitation will persist, such as needing to be on the same worlds to invite a player to your Clan.

Is there a Leagues-like alternative game mode?

While there are similarities this is not a RS3 attempt at a Leagues-style game mode.

Fresh Start Worlds accounts are designed to be carried over to the main game, unlike how Leagues accounts function.

- The RuneScape Team

Accounts, Payment, etc.

I have already an account, do I need a new account to play on FSW?

Yes. To play FSW you will need a new account (never logged in to RS) and an active subscription.

Can I use Bonds on my main account to pay for the FSW account?

Yes, we are working on a way to enable players to convert Bonds from an existing account to a Fresh Start Worlds 14-Day Membership Passcode. Only one Bond transfer will be allowed per week. We'll have updates on this method closer to launch.

Can I use Bonds acquired on a FSW account to buy Membership?

Yes. See above regarding the limit of one Bond trade per week.

Is there any special offer / subscription plan to cover the duration of FSW?

We don't have any special offer or subscription plans for the FSW.

I have Premier Membership on my main account. Will I have any of those benefits on FSW?

No. As Fresh Start Worlds involves an entirely unique account that follows you to the main game, it requires its own subscription.

If you would like to have Premier benefits on your Fresh Start Worlds account, you will need to purchase Premier Membership for that account.

NOTE: There are some restrictions on Premier Membership benefits during the Competitive period. Please see 'What are the Competitive and Accomplishment periods?' for more info.

What happens with my account when FSW is over?

FSW accounts are fully-fledged accounts and will transition over to the main game, either at the end of FSW or at any time while the game mode is active.

- The RuneScape Team


What rewards can I earn playing FSW? How do I get them?

Fresh Start Worlds contains a number of specific earnable rewards that will follow you into the main game.

Halo of Returning Tradeable Rare

Competitive Halo Tradeable Rare

Alternative Look 99, 120 and Quest Capes

Halo-topped Skill Pets

Luma Wolf Legendary Pet

'The Fresh' Title

You can also earn a number of Boons that benefit your experience in Fresh Start Worlds, such as double drops and unlimited run energy! However, they won't follow your account back into the main game.

You can earn rewards by playing the game and participating in competition. Check the table below.

NameItemDescriptionHow to Earn
Boon of the CompanionPetLegendary Pet with a variety of helpful perks.Unlocked at Progress Points Milestones
Boon of DefenceOutfitHybrid Armour that upgrades as you level up your Defence skill.Unlocked at Progress Points Milestones
Boon of OffenceWeaponHybrid Weapon that upgrades as you level up your combat skills. You can switch it between Melee, Ranged and Magic.Unlocked at Progress Point milestones
Challenger HaloHaloNew tradeable items, earned by meeting gameplay challenges and milestones in these worlds only.This is earned by either getting a world first or being in the top 100 of any skill's Hi-Scores
Halo of ReturningHaloTradeable rare Halo, earnable through progress in Fresh Start WorldsEarned via the Halo Hunt
Inverted Skill CapesAlternative Colour Skill CapesSkill Capes earned in the Fresh Start Worlds will have a new, alternative look, with colour schemes flipped.
Note: If traded to another account, you will still need 99 in the skill to use this variant Cape.
Complete skill to 99
Halo Pet SkinsSkilling Pet HalosAll skilling pets earned in the new Worlds will come equipped with their very own Halo of Returning, exclusive to Fresh Start Worlds.
Note: This reward is given as an Unlock Token that can be traded once to another account (for the purposes of transferring to your Main or another account). This cannot to be sold on the GE. If transferred to another account, the Halo Skill Pet variant will not be usable until that account has unlocked that Skill Pet in the main game.
Earned by getting the respective skill pet in the FSW mode
'The Fresh' (prefix)Competitive TitlesUnlocked by earning the Challenger HaloThis is earned by either getting a world first or being in the top 100 of any skill's Hi-Scores
World First BroadcastsWorld First BroadcastsEvery world first broadcast… starting anew! Be the first on these new worlds to gain achievements and have your glory broadcast to every world!First to complete task

Can I take the rewards I earn to the main game when FSW are over? How does it work?

Rewards earned such as the Skillcapes/Skill Pets and Halos will transfer over to the main game in the form of a token.

Once in the main game you can use these tokens to unlock the rewards or if you wish you can trade these tokens to other players.

Please note these tokens will only be tradeable once and cannot be traded on the Grand Exchange. In order to use the alternative Skill Capes, the account the token is used on must be able to purchase the original Skill Cape.

Are the rewards tradeable?

The following rewards can be traded forever:

  • Halo of Returning
  • Competitive Halo

The following rewards can be traded once in their token form.

  • Alternative Look 99, 120 and Quest Capes
  • Halo-topped Skill Pets
  • The following rewards cannot be traded:

  • Luma Wolf Legendary Pet
  • "The Fresh" Title
  • Will any of the rewards be available via alternative methods once this event has ended, outside of the ones that come into the economy for a short time?

    Yes, we're committed to ensuring the items from Fresh Start Worlds are available again in future.

    Dev note: To put you at ease, we want to be clear that this will not be your only opportunity to acquire these rewards. While we don't have specifics today, but we hope this takes the pressure of the reward chase away if the experience itself isn't for you.

    Additionally, we want to confirm main game Ironman accounts will be able to receive any earned Fresh Start Worlds in trades from their alt should you choose to participate. Please keep in mind that these rewards can be added on different occasions and via different paths. We will keep you updated.

    Will there be a Yak Track event on FSW?

    As FSW worlds will reflect the main game, Yak Track will be enabled during the competitive period. Only the Ironman track will be available in FSW.

    - The RuneScape Team

    Fresh Start Worlds FAQ: What You Need to Know  - News - RuneScape - RuneScape (2025)
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